Affiliate Program

I am Interested

Join the A.M.P. Floracel® Affiliate Program to earn $20 per sale by promoting our health products on your website, with no earning limits and commissions paid monthly. If you don’t have a website or prefer alternative sales channels, explore our dealer program for additional opportunities.

How It Works

Affiliates of AMP Floracel have a website business and promote our products on their website.

If you have a website and want to promote our products and receive a commission for the business you send us, please fill out the form below.

If you do not have a website or wish to sell our products through different channels, please call us about our dealer program.

Here are the reasons to join A.M.P. Floracel®’s partner program

  • Unlimited potential-no ceiling cap
  • Niche market
  • Average sale OVER $250.00
  • Tracking and commissions paid monthly
  • We give you 6 months of sales commissions for referring a customer to us, not 3 months as typically offered by our competitors.
  • Dedicated Affiliate/Partner Manager to assist you in every way
  • $20 commission on every sale that you bring us

This can be one of the easiest sources of income you will ever have. Thousands of people throughout the world are experiencing the powerful results from A.M.P. Floracel®.

Now is your chance to partner with us to reach even more people. Since our product is already well recognized by individuals who want to improve their health, now is your chance to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to earn money faster and easier than ever before.
By offering A.M.P. Floracel® on your website with our Affiliate program you can earn $20 from each sale that you bring to A.M.P. Floracel®.

I am Interested

A.M.P. Floracel® Affiliate Program

Once approved, if you do not have a Tax ID, Then we must have SS # on file.

How to Contact you:

What other kinds of program(s) are you interested in:


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