How Does Aloe Vera Help Treat Psoriasis?
Aloe vera has been used in medicinal treatments for centuries. As a topical application, it is used to treat a wide range of skin conditions and as a dietary supplement, to boost the immune system and as an aid to digestion. But what about aloe vera and psoriasis. Is using aloe vera for psoriasis treatment effective? Before we answer that question, we need to look at what exactly is psoriasis in order to be better able to understand how aloe vera, both as a gel and a dietary supplement, can help manage the condition.
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a common and painful skin condition that results in itchy red patches forming on the skin. These are caused by an overproduction of skin cells. The extra cells that are being produced are forced to the surface of the skin where they form lumpy red patches which are itchy and can start to crack and bleed.
Psoriasis is a lifelong condition that usually appears in cycles. It can remain dormant for long periods of time and then flare up suddenly. It is not known what triggers these attacks but stress is thought to be a major contributing factor.
Unfortunately, there is presently no known cure for psoriasis but the symptoms can be managed by taking such measures as reducing stress, giving up smoking and regular moisturizing.
Types of Psoriasis
- Plaque psoriasis. This is the most common type of psoriasis. It causes dry red pads of skin (plaques) to grow anywhere on the body. These are covered with silvery scales and can be itchy and painful.
- Nail psoriasis. This causes pitting, abnormal growth and discoloration in the finger and toenails. Severe cases can also cause the nail to loosen from its bed or crumble.
- Guttate psoriasis. Primarily affecting children and young adults, this type is usually triggered by a bacterial infection. It causes small lesions shaped like water drops to form on the trunks, arms, legs, and scalp. This type is not necessarily recurring.
- Inverse psoriasis. The symptoms of inverse psoriasis are smooth red patches of inflamed skin around the armpits, groin, under the breasts and genitals.
- Pustular psoriasis. Very uncommon, pustular psoriasis manifests in either widespread patches or localized around the hands and feet. The skin becomes red and tender and pus-filled blisters then rapidly form on the affected area.
- Erythrodermic psoriasis. This covers the entire body with a rash that peels and burns and itches intensely. This form of psoriasis is extremely rare.
- Psoriatic arthritis. This makes the joints swollen and painful, in addition to causing scaly lesions on the skin.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
There are many different types of psoriasis affecting different areas of the body. Also, the symptoms generally vary from person to person, with no two cases the same. However, there are some common symptoms that signify an outbreak of the disease. These are as follows:
- Localized itching, burning, and soreness, often around the joints like the elbows and knees.
- Red patches on your skin covered with silver-colored scales. Thes patches can be large, with a thick covering of scales or small spots with only a thin layer of scales (this type of psoriasis is most often seen in children but can also affect adults.
- Patches of skin become dry and cracked, possibly with some bleeding
- Stiff and swollen joints
Psoriasis can affect only a small area of the body, producing only a few small red spots, or can erupt severely with painful lesions (sores) covering large parts of the body. The most common types of psoriasis are plaque psoriasis and Guttate psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, including the genitals and the inside of the mouth, Guttate psoriasis affects the trunk of the body, arms, legs, and scalp.
Aloe Vera for Psoriasis Treatment
Although there is no known cure for psoriasis itself, the symptoms can and should be treated. In fact, if this is not done, they will become steadily worse and increasingly painful.
A 1996 study has shown that by using aloe vera, psoriasis symptoms, and indeed outbreaks themselves, can be controlled and considerably reduced.

Aloe vera gel for Psoriasis
Aloe for Psoriasis in gel form can help alleviate and control the symptoms of psoriasis in the following ways;
- Research has shown aloe vera to be effective in treating inflammatory diseases. As one of the first symptoms of most types of psoriasis is inflammation of the affected area, a timely application of Aloe vera gel will reduce the swelling and sensation of burning, and help to clear it up in only a few days.
- During outbreaks of psoriasis, the skin can become dry, causing it to contract and split, which can be very painful. A one-time application of Aloe vera gel will help to rapidly rehydrate the skin as well as soothe any irritation. A note of warning here though, repeated use of aloe vera as a moisturizer can actually lead to your skin dehydrating at a faster rate than normal, according to research conducted in 2014.
- A study conducted in 2015 foud that, thanks to a chemical compound called glucomannan found in aloe vera, it has healing properties which can accelerate healing time for cuts and sores. If the skin is cracked and bleeding due to psoriasis, aloe vera gel will help it heal.
- Shampoos containing aloe vera for scalp psoriasis hav been shown to be effective.
Aloe vera dietary supplements for Psoriasis
Thanks to its many healing properties aloe vera in gel form will help soothe the discomfort caused by psoriasis when applied topically.
However, prevention is always better than cure. By taking aloe vera dietary supplements in either powder or capsule form you could reduce both the frequency and severity of outbreaks.
Although the exact causes of psoriasis are not known, it seems that outbreaks can be triggered by stress, fatigue or general ill-health. In other words, when the body is weak and immunity is low. Our organic aloe vera dietary supplements contain high levels of the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide Molecule.
Mucopolysaccharides are produced naturally in the body until puberty when production ceases. After that, we need to find an alternative source. The Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide Molecule found in the aloe vera plant helps promote the growth of healthy flora in the digestive tract. This leads to better digestion and a stronger immune system.
If your immune system is working properly, your body will not be weakened by stress or be susceptible to viral and bacterial infections which will sap your strength, leaving you vulnerable to attacks of psoriasis.
So remember, if you do suffer from any of the forms of psoriasis we have mentioned above, you should keep some aloe vera gel in your medicine cabinet to deal with the symptoms during an outbreak. But if you take AMP Floracel dietary supplements regularly, you will hopefully never need to use the gel. AMP Floracel is much stronger than the gels and juices and helps from the inside out. So, don’t wait until it is too late, check out our special offers and make your order today!