The Meaning of Certain Stomach Pains
Some stomach pains come and go for a variety of different reasons. However, if they stick around for many days at a time and occur on a regular basis then it might be a sign of something a little more serious than simply a random stomach pain. Here are a few of the common symptoms to watch out for and what they might mean:
- Constipation and severe abdominal pain after you eat: this might mean that you have Chron’s Disease, which is a type of and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). This disease causes fatigue, bloody stool, diarrhea, abdominal pain, malnutrition, bowel obstruction and weight loss.
- Diarrhea and blood in your bowel: this might be an indicator that you have ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, DO, says “If it’s been going on for months and there’s a lot of bleeding—you’ll see blood mixed with the stool, rather than streaks—it’s most likely colitis,”
- Constipation along with weight gain, fatigue, and/or feeling extra sensitive to cold: this could be the sign of an underactive thyroid. This decreases the rate of some of the body systems, which includes the digestive system.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, AMP Floracel may be right for you. Our AMP molecule works to fight the symptoms of a variety of stomach disorders including the ones mentioned above. While there may not be a cure for these diseases, know that there is a way to minimize your pain.