Probiotics vs. Prebiotics and How They Work Together

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics and How They Work Together

When you live with a digestive disorder or an auto-immune disease, one of the most important factors in dealing with your condition is to become as knowledgeable as possible. The more you know, the better suited you will be and the easier it will be to live a normal and healthy life with an auto-immune disease or digestive disorder.

There are many questions related to living life with an auto-immune disease or digestive disorder, such as, “what can I eat?” “Can I participate in normal activities?” Or even lesser known questions like, “what is the difference between probiotic and prebiotic?”

Let’s start with the definitions:

Probiotics – definition

Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Probiotics are the “healthy bacteria” and “friendly bacteria” that are found in our gut that aid in our digestive processes.  They can be found in a variety of foods, particularly yogurt (that’s what the label is referring to when it says this yogurt contains “live and active cultures”), protein drinks, as well in a supplement form.  Doctors often recommend taking a probiotic supplement when taking antibiotics prescribed for an infection. Antibiotics are known for killing the bacteria in the body both good and bad.  Research suggests that when taking probiotic supplements with or without an antibiotic they can counteract any negative effects and enhance the good bacteria in the system.

Probiotic yogurt?

This popular yogurt is known to be a digestive miracle for thousands of individuals… Probiotic yogurt is yogurt with live active cultures. It contains different kinds of bacteria that are believed to be beneficial to your overall health. You may be wondering “isn’t all yogurt probiotic?”. The answer is yes. All yogurt contains active cultures. In the early century, manufacturers decided to market their yogurt as probiotic which can be very confusing. The difference between probiotic yogurt and regular yogurt is that in probiotic yogurt there is a third strain of bacteria in addition to the regular two. Usually, there is Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. In probiotic yogurt a third strain is thrown in – L. acidophilus.

Probiotic yogurt also has some other benefits. It is said to improve our mood. We have plenty of nerve endings in our GI tract, in fact we have more there than in our brain. Trouble with digestion can make us depressed and uncomfortable. Probiotic yogurt aids in digestion, therefore keeping us happy. It also helps maintain the rate of digestion.

Other benefits of probiotic yogurt include aiding in lactose intolerance, preventing cancer, asthma and allergy prevention, preventing infections, reducing cholesterol, and relieving irratable bowel syndrome.

Prebiotics – definition

Prebiotics are the lesser-known sibling of probiotics. Prebiotics are the indigestible dietary fibers we get from plant-based food that probiotics use to flourish and grow.  Whereas probiotics are living organisms, prebiotics are not.  Aloe Vera is considered to be a Prebiotic.

Prebiotic Foods

Many of us have heard of probiotic-rich foods and their health benefits, especially in regard to the digestive system. However, as important as these foods are, they aren’t the only foods your gut needs to help process what is consumed. Prebiotic foods are those that contain specific fibers and natural sugars to feed the good bacteria that are comprised in probiotic foods.

Like fuel for good bacteria, prebiotic foods consist of certain fibrous carbohydrates that cultivate good bacteria to help it grow. A community of microbes in a human body forms a microbiome, which defends our system against toxins encountered in animal products, the environment, low-quality tap water and common yeast and viruses.

Prebiotic foods provide a natural way to help improve your digestive systems. At A.M.P. Floracel®, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life by helping to stop symptoms associated with digestive disorders. We have listed the top 12 nutrient-dense prebiotic foods to will aid in digestion.

1. Asparagus

For those of you who love greens, you’re in luck! Asparagus is a sweet and natural diueretic filled with fiber, folate and B vitamins. You can eat asparagus grilled, sautéed, raw or even chopped up in a smoothie.

2. Bananas

Bananas are filled with natural fibers, making them a great source of potassium, B vitamins and Vitamin C. This fruit is able to soothe the intestine membrane and promote good bacteria development. You have the option of consuming them in a smoothie, pie and cake or simply by themselves.

3. Onions

This next prebiotic food will bring you tears of joy! Onion is a natural source of inulin and antioxidants, which assists the intestines in self cleaning and developing good bacteria. You have the option of eating them raw, sautéed or boiled.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a great food to ingest if you’re trying to cleanse your gut of bad bacteria. This prebiotic food consists of Vitamin B6 and can be consumed by mixing it with a variety of delicious dishes!

5. Cabbage

Cabbage is filled with B vitamins, alkalizing minerals and Vitamin C due to its sauerkraut and kimchi foundation. It can best be used in wraps, sandwiches, soup or coleslaw.

6. Beans

Beans are a great source of potassium, protein and fiber. They are also known as a digestive booster due to the oligosaccharides contained in it. Oligosaccharides are used as food to nourish the good bacteria in your intestines. We recommend that you soak your beans overnight and cook them well, so you can accumulate them into your diet.

7. Legumes

Legumes come in the form of lentils, chickpeas and green peas and are packed with protein, iron, B vitamins, fiber and natural sugars. They can produce good gut bacteria and still be light on the stomach. To include them in your diet, we recommend that you soak lentils or consume raw or frozen peas.

8. Bran

Bran is typically used in muffin recipes, porridge and cookie recipes. This prebiotic food can come in the form of oats, wheat and rice to increase regularity and reduce cholesterol. The insoluble fiber located in bran has the ability to nourish good bacteria in your intestine.

9. Artichokes

These detox foods are filled with fiber and low in net carbohydrates. This combination can lower your glycemic index and assist with your blood sugar. You can include these in soups, salads and various meals.

10. Leeks

Leeks are a member of the onion family and consist of the same benefits as onions in regard to your digestive health. They are easy to cook and add into soups and sautéed stir-fry.

11. Root Vegetables

A root vegetable is a general term used to include sweet potatoes, squash, wild yams, jicama, beets, carrots, turnips and parsnips. These vegetables are packed with soluble fiber that cleanses the intestines and is easy to digest.

12. Apples

Antioxidants found in apples are great for our heart and brains, however, its pectin fiber is what makes apples great for our digestive system. Apples are a good source of inulin and natural FOS (sugar) that wards off high cholesterol while keeping you full.

What are the benefits of taking probiotics and prebiotics together?

  • Improves  digestive health
  • Absorption of nutrients
  • Balance your immune system

Quick Fact: Your digestive system must be able to break down food as well as aiding in absorption and the assimilation of your food. Probiotics and Prebiotics work together to balance your digestion.


When prebiotics and probiotics are combined together, they form a synbiotic. AMP Floracel (aloe vera) and probiotics would form a synergism. While both are excellent additions to your diet when used alone, using them together will give you the most potential to obtain maximum health benefits. This combination has been known for treating an array of digestive disorders not limited to but including constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea and or constipation as well as crohns and various forms of colitis.

Your Diet

Keep in mind that while taking these supplements will give you excellent benefits your diet also plays a big part in how your digestive tract works for you. A poor diet is a diet that is low in fiber, high sugar, high calorie and or consists of processed foods as well as over use of certain medications that deplete your good bacteria. This can create an environment that could make you susceptible to digestive disorders and or disease. Your diet needs balance.

Where AMP Floracel comes in?

While you work to improve your diet eating whole unprocessed foods, adding prebiotics and probiotics to the mix will stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in your digestive ecosystem.

AMP Floracel is a unique Aloe Vera supplement that is 100% all natural, organic and nontoxic.  The healing agent in it is called the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide Molecule which is the key molecule in helping with inflammation from irritation as well as coating the stomach allowing for proper digestion. AMP Floracel is an immune system boosting supplement and a Prebiotic.  AMP Floracel can greatly reduce any symptoms you may be experiencing as well as provide you will long term remission and good health.  Start the relief today!

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