How to Increase Good Bacteria in Gut Naturally
Society is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy belly and taking steps toward improving gut microbiomes to ensure optimal well-being and livelihood.
What Is the Gut Microbiome?
The gut microbiome refers to the 300-500 species of bacteria that live within the human digestive tract. That’s a whole world living inside your belly! Keeping this village of microorganisms healthy and happy is key to proper metabolism, immune support, and overall physical and mental health.
The health of your gut is related to many physiological functions, including:
- Mood
- Immune system
- Mental health
- Endocrine system
- Autoimmune system
- Skin health
- Cancer prevention
- Nutrient absorption
- Heart health
Keeping your belly healthy not only helps prevent adverse health issues, but it also enhances all related body systems so that you can live in peak performance.
How to Know If You Have Good Gut Bacteria?
That’s a great question! How could you know that your gut bacteria is slipping if your belly is inside, right? Well, the body and its miraculous messengers have a tendency of letting us know what gut bacteria is jeopardized.
Look out for these indicators that your gut bacteria needs your attention:
- Skin irritation
- Autoimmune conditions
- Bloating
- Gas
- Diarrhea
- Heartburn
- Sleep disturbances
- Sugar cravings
- Unexplained weight change
- Food intolerance
- Constant fatigue
Let’s take a look at what affects the belly most, and how to improve gut bacteria.
How to Improve Good Bacteria in Gut Naturally:
- Examine your diet
It’s possible that your diet is responsible for unhealthy gut bacteria. Pay attention to which foods cause pain, indigestion, bloating or heartburn – these are clear indicators that these foods are not welcome as a part of your diet.
The most important foods to eliminate:
- Processed sugar
- High-fat foods
A diet based on plant-foods, lean protein, and high-fiber can help your gut bacteria. Remember, if you eat plenty of fiber, drink extra water! Water works with the fiber to flush everything out of your digestive tract.
- Improve sleep quality
If you pride yourself on not needing sleep, make sure that your body testifies accordingly. Inadequate sleep can have a detrimental effect on your gut bacteria, as the belly needs time each night to properly rest, restore, and organize all the metabolic activity taking place whilst you dream.
- Eliminate stress
You hear it from everyone – eliminate the stress in your life. Well, we will add one more reason to go stress-free: stress harms your gut bacteria! Balance your busy life with yoga, walking, meditation, time away from screens, laughing with friends, and indulging in activities that are fun to you.
- Try a prebiotic
Prebiotics and probiotics help promote healthy bacteria in your belly so that you can eat and live without fear of a jeopardized digestive tract. However, every belly is different, so it is important to ask your physician about which prebiotic or probiotic to use (and whether to use one at all!).
- Drink water
Instead of drinking water when you are dehydrated, focus on drinking water to pre-hydrate. Replace your morning cup of joe with a glass (or two) or fresh water to improve the quality of your intestinal lining and gut bacteria. You can also give homemade aloe vera juice a try, or learn how to make kombucha at home. Aiding digestion, both of them will help keep the gut bacteria in balance.
- Take one bite a time
Slowing down your eating process is an easy way to practice gentle treatment of your gut. Give your belly plenty of time to properly absorb nutrients and digest the food you are consuming.
Support Gut Bacteria with AMP Floracel
Aloe vera is recommended for its many benefits to the body, including aiding in digestion and promoting healthy flora in the digestive tract. Amongst the eight key enzymes that aloe vera contains, two specifically work to aid in digestion and support pre-existing probiotic colonies.
In addition to promoting healthy gut bacteria, aloe vera improves bowel movement consistency which helps prevent bacteria from multiplying in the colon, keeping the digestive tract healthy and clean.
Are you ready to improve your natural gut flora and overall health? Try our AMP Floracel aloe vera supplements and step into your healthiest life, today.