Aloe Vera and Diabetes – Effect on Diabetes
A person suffering from type 2 diabetes has to deal with an issue that prevents the body to regulate sugar in blood all on its own. This is why it’s common for these people to actively change their lifestyle habits such as their diet and exercise, and do their best to manage their stress.
However, it’s often necessary to take certain medications, such as insulin for example, to aid blood sugar regulation. These days, more and more people are looking into natural alternatives that can help them manage a plethora of different conditions, and that also includes diabetes.
Namely, using Aloe Vera for diabetes may prove to be effective in alleviating certain symptoms that are common for this particular condition.
What Exactly Is Diabetes?
To put it simply, diabetes is a metabolic disease that triggers high blood sugar. In a healthy body, the insulin hormone works by storing away the sugar from the blood into the cells. In people with diabetes, this process is interrupted as their bodies don’t produce enough insulin for it. This condition can turn very serious rather quickly if it remains untreated, causing further damage to one’s kidneys, eyes, nerves, as well as other organs.
There are several different types of diabetes:
- Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 is treated as an autoimmune disease. In this case, the problem occurs due to the immune system treating the insulin-producing cells as the enemy and attacking https://ampfloracel.com/blog/is-aloe-beneficial-for-people-with-type-1-diabetes/them. Only about 10% of people who suffer from diabetes actually have this type.
- Type 2 Diabetes: This is the most common type of this disease. As mentioned, the problem arises due to the insufficient production of insulin, thus leaving sugar content in the blood.
- Prediabetes: This condition happens with higher blood sugar than what’s considered to be normal but the sugar levels still aren’t as high as in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Gestational Diabetes: This condition involves high blood sugar in pregnancy.

General Symptoms of Diabetes
The following symptoms may occur due to the high blood sugar levels:
- Excessive thirst and hunger
- Frequent need to urinate
- Weight loss
- Blurry vision
- Unexplained sores that don’t seem to heal and slower wound healing in general
- Extreme fatigue and tiredness
In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, men with diabetes may also experience erectile dysfunction and muscle weakness, while women may also experience yeast and urinary tract infections as well as increased skin dryness.
Is Aloe Vera Good for Diabetes?
The Aloe Vera plant has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, as well as its strong healing power. What’s more, Aloe Vera is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes.
When we talk about Aloe Vera and diabetes, we have to point out that more research is still necessary; however, the research that’s been done so far has examined the plant’s potential to regulate blood sugar levels.
Essentially, it seems that using Aloe Vera regularly may end up lowering fasting blood glucose (FBG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), which can be beneficial for people suffering from diabetes or prediabetes.
Aloe Vera Benefits for Diabetes
According to currently available research, taking Aloe Vera supplements or juice on a daily basis may render several health benefits for people with diabetes.
Lower Fasting Blood Glucose
In 2015, a study was conducted where it was observed that regular intake of Aloe Vera helped lower fasting blood glucose. It also proved helpful in reducing weight and body fat.
Minimal Side Effects
Traditional meds often prescribed to people with diabetes tend to have more frequent side effects as well. That’s not to say one shouldn’t take their meds properly and discuss all the issues with their doctor.
But, when it comes to natural alternatives on the matter, the mentioned study noted that the people who took part in this study didn’t seem to experience any kind of side effect from taking Aloe Vera.
Lower Hemoglobin A1c
When it comes to hemoglobin A1c, more research is necessary to determine whether Aloe Vera can be effectively used for lowering the levels of hemoglobin A1c. So far, there was research that examined this effect of Aloe Vera on rats, which ended up successful. However, previous clinical trials that were done on people didn’t have the same success level. Still, there’s a strong possibility that individuals may react positively to Aloe Vera in regards to lower hemoglobin levels as well.
Topical Aloe Vera Application
As mentioned, Aloe Vera has great healing properties when it comes to wounded and irritated skin. This is precisely why this plant is often used in gel and lotion forms. As such, any person with skin issues can benefit from using Aloe Vera products topically. And, it’s important to mention that people who suffer from diabetes can also experience diabetes-caused skin ulcers and generally have problems with skin healing.
In that respect, applying Aloe Vera on the problematic spot can speed up the process of healing, thus minimizing the risk of infection.

People Seem to Prefer Natural Solutions
Unfortunately, less than 50% of people who suffer from type 2 diabetes actually manage their blood glucose levels properly. The main reason for this seems to be the irregular intake of prescribed medicine, often due to the potential side effects and/or the cost.
That said, using Aloe Vera may prove to be beneficial for people who struggle with otherwise debilitating side effects or simply want to try more affordable alternatives. What’s more, taking Aloe Vera readily according to the directions may end up creating a proper habit of taking the right measures for managing this condition.
Aloe Vera for Diabetes: How Is It Used?
If you’re suffering from diabetes, talk to your doctor about introducing Aloe Vera juice/supplement into your health routine. Depending on your current condition and the meds you’re taking, the doctor will be able to determine the right kind of Aloe Vera supplement and dosage for you, as well as point out whether Aloe Vera is a good choice for your particular case in the first place.
However, even with limited research in regard to the link between Aloe Vera and blood sugar, it seems that a good number of people experience some type of relief from taking this plant regularly. Of course, don’t stop taking your prescribed diabetes medication either.
In case you’re interested in trying a natural solution to help manage your diabetes condition, we at A.M.P. Floracel are happy to assist you with our Aloe Vera products. What makes our products special and effective is the fact that they contain the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide (AMP) molecule. This molecule has the ability to enhance the absorption of the plant’s benefits.
What’s more, AMP is completely toxin-free and organic. It has strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is essential for boosting the immune system. If you want to know more about our Aloe Vera products and ways the regular intake of this plant can help you manage your diabetes issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at A.M.P. Floracel.